STN Electronics
About company
Philisophy and mission
Fields of activity vendors
Partnership partner support
Dealer academy
Map club
Channel sales department
Corporate sales department
Warehouse and delivery

Channel sales department  


Interesting facts:

Results of large international business surveys show, how exactly sales managers influence on the development of the company and its future.

The team of the Channel Sales Department of STN Electronics always tries to satisfy the needs and allows for better understanding of the partner. It provides wide product information, establishes relationship with potential partners, improves attitudes with existing partners thanks to professional skills,gathers exact data in the field of sales and thrives for positive thinking.

Each dealer has its dedicsted account manager. An order can be made by phone, email and/or throudh ICQ.

Function of Channel Sales Department:

 concluding of negotiations with dealers;
 development of individual operating conditions for each dealer
    (pricing and financial      conditions);

 concluding contracts;
 order processing;
 payment verification;
 shipment control.